Commonly asked questions about our SewEzi Sewing Tables
We have tried to answer some of the most commonly asked questions here. Please get in touch if you have any problems.

Will my Sewing Machine fit into a SewEzi Sewing Table?
We have inserts to fit nearly all sewing machines and in the rare circumstances that we don’t have one on file that fits, we will make one! Most sewing machines fit into the SewEzi Portable Sewing Tables, but for some of the larger sewing machines you will need to get the SewEzi Grande Sewing Table which is designed for the heavier/larger sewing machines. If you are unsure which table to get or if we will have an insert for you, please email us at
Should I get a SewEzi Portable Table or a SewEzi Grande Table?
The SewEzi Portable Sewing Table is designed to be taken anywhere. The usual limiting factor which determines whether your sewing machine will fit in the Portable Sewing Table is the width of the back of the machine at the right hand end. If you are unsure whether your machine will fit please email us at and we’ll be able to ensure that you get the table that is both the perfect fit for you and your machine.
If you have a new large sewing machine or are wanting a bigger surface area, we designed the SewEzi Grande Sewing Table. The Grande has a larger cut out to accommodate the wider and longer machines, a larger top which provides more sewing surface and a more robust support system to accommodate heavy machines. Due to the SewEzi Grande Sewing Tables size, it is not as Portable as the SewEzi Portable Sewing Table, but can still be flat packed and easily relocated, especially with the use of a Grande Mobile.
Will I still be able to use my SewEzi sewing table if I change/upgrade my machine?
Most likely. You will have to order a new acrylic sewing machine insert and maybe SewEzi Quick change set. There is a great variation between sewing machines, their height and free arm shapes all vary between brands and also within brands. These products can be ordered online from a SewEzi stockist at any time.
Will my knee lift on my sewing machine work in the SewEzi sewing table?
Yes, you should be able to use the knee lift in the SewEzi table. In some cases if the knee lift is not adjusted correctly it may move too far to the right and make contact with the table leg. Some sewing machine knee lifts have an adjustment on the knee lift bar where it goes into the machine, some have the adjustment internally and you will need to ask your sewing machine service person to adjust it for you.
Can I move my table with the sewing machine in it?
We do not recommend moving your SewEzi Portable Sewing Table with the sewing machine in it. Always remove the machine before moving the table. Moving the table with the machine in it risks damage to both the table and the sewing machine.
What do I do if my leg hinges are too tight?
If the hinges are too tight, do not try and force them by pulling hard on the leg as this can damage the connection to the top. Spay silicon spray or other lubricants on the folding part of the hinge and operate the hinge by straightening it out in the centre. Sometimes the new hinges are tight and they will free up after several openings.
Why does my insert not fit my sewing machine?
The most common reason that an insert does not fit is because the attachment on the free arm has not been removed. The SewEzi acrylic inserts are designed to fit the free arm once any extensions or attachments have been removed. Check to see if parts of the free arm pull off, usually they slide out towards the front or click off.
My sewing machine sits too high or too low, how do I adjust it?
You can adjust the height of your sewing machine in relation to the acrylic insert by adding or removing the plastic spacers. This is achieved by adding or removing the little plastic spacers (discs) threaded onto the white rods that attach the sewing machine platform. There are 3mm (1/8”) spacers and 1.5mm (1/16”) for fine tuning the height.
Why does the number on my acrylic machine insert not match the model number on my sewing machine?
The four digit number on the acrylic sewing machine insert is a SewEzi code and does not directly relate to the model number on your sewing machine.
What information do I need when I order a SewEzi sewing table?
When ordering a SewEzi Sewing Table, we need to know your machine brand and model number. If there is no model number only a name do not worry, we have a database of thousands of sewing machines and will track it down for you. We may also request a digital image of your sewing machine to aid us in locating your specific sewing machines details.
What should I do if I lose my assembly instructions
Please go to the product page and click on the product you have bought. You can view or download the instructions.
What should I do if there is a problem?
We like to hear about your problems and try our very best to solve them for you. In the first instance contact your agent (the person you purchased the table from) or alternatively you can contact us here