Flat bed sewing
The last week in January we had a product photo shoot for SEWEZI. It is always a mammoth task, working on the run sheet and making sure we have covered all the products we need to shoot before we even start taking photos. Our latest team member, Amy (basically she keeps Dave and I focused and on track with digital marketing) and Jess Burges (our very cool and super patient photographer), managed the day without any fatalities as we strived to capture everything.

While putting the run sheet together, we had several conversations about the product as you do, then we went through our media platforms and looked at the question’s our customers asked. One of the most common recurring questions is:
Does that bit that goes around the machine come with your table?
Our response is ……….YES !
Every SEWEZI table that has a sewing machine cut out in it, has a sewing machine insert that comes included in the table price.
I want to tell you why we do this. You may or may not know my serious introduction to sewing was from the industrial angle (sewing factories), consequently I learnt the benefits of ergonomics and good design by sitting at an industrial sewing workstation.
When I came up with the idea for the SEWEZI Portable Table, an essential element of the design was flat bed sewing.
Flat bed sewing is when the sewing machine arm sits flush with its surrounding area. The most common example of this is industrial plain sewers (lock stitch machines) that you would find in industrial garment manufacturing. One of the benefits of flat bed sewing is there is no tension on the fabric going between the sewing foot and feed dogs. The sewing machine does not have to pull the fabric through, this creates a better seam. Another benefit is comfort for the machinist, the surface of the table supports the fabric and allows for a smooth supported arm action, no hunched shoulders.
How we achieve flat bed sewing is by providing a custom acrylic insert for every table we sell. This insert is custom cut to your individual sewing machine (by providing us with your make and model no.). On the first day we launched SEWEZI we had a total of 6 template drawings to cut inserts from. I can’t believe that we actually achieved what we have. Now our database has over 3000 sewing machine models. We can even cut inserts for 90 year old Singer Feather Weights that were launched in 1933 at the Chicago World Fair. If your machine is not one we have in our database we have developed a system to create one for you.

The SEWEZI Sewing Tables also have other inserts to enhance your sewing and crafting experience.
The Solid Wood insert that fills in the cutout and allows your table to become a work surface.

The Light Box insert that allows you to use your table as a light box by placing a flash light or crafted light underneath on the machine tray.
And of course, you can have multiple acrylic sewing machine inserts for different machines.
If you have any questions about the things I have talked about in this blog, please contact us.
For those of you who have are interested in sewing ergonomics, this paper Ergonomic Industrial Sewing Station by Sam Parker is a very interesting read.
After the photoshoot I went directly out to the family’s beach house for some sewing and swimming. A fantastic combination in this scorching summer heat. The next blog will give details of these sewing adventures and misadventures.
Happy Creating

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Some things about me you need to know…..
I am obsessional, therefore I collect, and have collections.
I am passionate, I either love it or hate it there is no in between.
I am a perfectionist when it comes to sewing, and struggle with the just ok finish I achieve sometimes.
I garden. I collect plants too, especially deciduous magnolias.
I need colour and texture to nurture my soul.
I read, research, and study because it excites me.
I am a mum to three twenty somethings, an attendant to three cats, and partner in all things to David of more than 30 years.