Quilt Symposiums, Connecting and Community
Spring has arrived full blast. When I mean full blast the wind has come, this is a really usual thing for us, blowing cool sou westerly’s, from now to mid-December. All the trees in the garden with their new growth are blown inside out.
Now, you are thinking, how is this relevant to the sewezi blog, but gardening is my other soul food. While I haven’t spent much time at the machine over the last month I have been beavering away in my garden. We have had several garden events one for the charity I HAVE A DREAM , and the other for the NZ Iris Safari. Next month we have the Mangakahia Garden Ramble passing through raising money to maintain our local community and sports complex. And in amongst all this we have had the Auckland Quilt Symposium.

SEWEZI stand at the Auckland Quilt Symposium with Dave working on SEWEZI cad drawings.

Pieces ready to stitch for Ebay On Point from Kaffe Fasset’s Caravan of Quilts

While demonstrating the SEWZEI range of products I usually try to piece a quilt top. This time the quilt top is for my niece’s 21st birthday.
Side 1 of Ebay On Point
I am making a queen size quilt, and will sew the top as two halves, I then will construct the quilt as two separate pieces and join all layers through the middle. This allows me to comfortably quilt the large surface. When it is finished I will post it to facebook and Instagram.
Symposiums and large crafting events offer opportunities for connection. I am talking about connection on larger scale than meeting friends or in our case making sales and catching up with past clients. As a creative it is important to see what is going on around you, working in a vacuum, is hard work. Experiencing the quilts, the making, the learning and seeing what retailers have to offer, feeds the mind and spirit. By attending events like symposium your creative muscle can’t help but be flexed, through exposure, interaction, laughter and mind-blowing sewing. I always feel so mentally invigorated after such events and arrive home with at least 20 ideas I want to try out.

Jenny Wilson won the SEWEZI Extension Table lucky draw prize we were giving away at Symposium.

SEWEZI sponsored first prize in the Re-Create section at the Auckland Quilt Symposium. Lyn White’s winning quilt In Your Dreams.
Being involved in the sewing and quilting industry is truly a pleasure. The people we meet are amazing, thank you to everyone who buys our products, and to those who just drop by and say hello.

The view early September from my sewing studio.

Same view 6 weeks later in mid-October.
Over the past weekend the NZ Iris Safari visited our garden. In the true spirit of these types of things there are always raffles as fundraisers. I made two bags with iris fabric for a couple of the prizes. I constructed the pattern using a 28.5cm diameter salad bowl as the base and made the depth 45cm, basically the bag is a cylinder with a base and handles

Side 1 of bag

Side 2 of bag
The iris fabric was given to me by another member of the group, but all the other bits and pieces came out of my collections of stuff. I really enjoyed placing all the different fabrics and trims together. The iris panels are machine quilted, then I tried out some printing, you can see this faint paisley design on side 2.

Side view

Inside view with pockets
I even made two different size pockets in the lining. I have to say, though it took me way longer than I anticipated, because I auditioned enough trims and fabrics to make 20 bags, I really enjoyed the making, and that I was creating something useful for someone else to have.
This blog is a kaleidoscope of thoughts and actions, what I am trying to say is that creative output for me is the result of all aspects of my life interacting. All the connections, whether sewing, art, garden or family, everything is interconnected.
Happy Sewing

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Some things about me you need to know…..
I am obsessional, therefore I collect, and have collections.
I am passionate, I either love it or hate it there is no in between.
I am a perfectionist when it comes to sewing, and struggle with the just ok finish I achieve sometimes.
I garden. I collect plants too, especially deciduous magnolias.
I need colour and texture to nurture my soul.
I read, research, and study because it excites me.
I am a mum to three twenty somethings, an attendant to three cats, and partner in all things to David of more than 30 years.