Dec 2020 I The twelve trees of Christmas

I have a fascination (Mr Sewezi calls it an addiction) with Christmas tree decorations. Now I don’t mean decorations to go on the tree, but Christmas trees that are decorations.
So……. in a moment of madness, I decided to design and make some trees. Hence the twelve trees of Christmas came about.
I have had so much fun making these, it has ignited the simple joys of crafting and creating something that just brings a smile.
In the spirit of the festive season I am sharing my “the twelve trees of Christmas” with you all. You can just enjoy the images or have ago at stitching one yourself. Or maybe make one to give as a gift.
Within the blog are the general instructions and outline pattern, and each day we will post a new tree on Facebook and Instagram. The tree details will also be available here.
There are three sets of four. The traditional, bright n bold and the woodland.

Tree Twelve
Woodland Tree

Wool felt 20cm x 30cm
Approx. 90 felt dots cut out of 2 shades of brown and 2 shades of green various sizes <1.5cm
Thread for sewing on felt dots, something that shows French Knots well.
DMC stranded embroidery thread to match wool felt for stitching tree together
Ornament for top of tree
Tree stand – 6.5cm x 6.5cm x1.8cm, 1cm dowel x 15cm (Trunk)
*Alternatively, you can hang tree by braid or cord if you are unable to make tree stand.
1.Select felt colour
(*hint- I always set my wool felt with the wool steam setting on my iron).
The tree pattern is designed to fit on 20cm x30cm wool felt.

3. Layout felt dots approximately where you want them, check the design and tack the felt dots on with a glue stick on.

4. Sew felt dots on both sides of tree using French Knots. This is my 1st attempt at French Knots, I was surprised how easy it was. 2nd image shows reverse of tree.

5. Sew both sides of tree together by hand with whip stitch. Using 3 stands of DMC embroidery thread, leaving an opening of 5cm at the centre bottom of tree, this is so you can stuff it.
6. Stuff tree beginning at top of tree, stuffing small amounts at a time, stuff each branch before stuffing body of tree. Using chop stick or wooden knitting needle gently locate stuffing. Do not over stuff as you well not be able to get stand into tree.
7. Gently wiggle stuffed tree onto stand, stitch bottom of tree closed around stand.
8. Attach ornament to top of tree.

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Some things about me you need to know…..
I am obsessional, therefore I collect, and have collections.
I am passionate, I either love it or hate it there is no in between.
I am a perfectionist when it comes to sewing, and struggle with the just ok finish I achieve sometimes.
I garden. I collect plants too, especially deciduous magnolias.
I need colour and texture to nurture my soul.
I read, research, and study because it excites me.
I am a mum to three twenty somethings, an attendant to three cats, and partner in all things to David of more than 30 years.