July 2023 I Trip to UK
2023 SewEzi UK Trip During the second week of our trip to catch-up with our European distributors, we spent a few fleeting days with Clare Greer in Northern Ireland. Clare’s business is Quilter’s Quest (https://quiltersquest.co.uk/), this is an online business

June 2023 I Trip to Europe
2023 SewEzi Trip Last month (April/May 2023 ) we had the privilege of travelling to the Netherlands and UK to see our agents and visit their businesses in person for the first time. Elly Prins is our SEWEZI agent and

July 2021 I 20th anniversary
July 2021 I 20th anniversary I can’t believe it has been twenty years since I came up with the idea for the SewEzi Portable Sewing Table. How time has flown. That morning I woke with the idea, I never had any

June 2021 I After the wedding
June 2021 I After the wedding I think I have finally recovered after the wedding LOL, we still have some random boxes with stuff in them around the place, and I have moved on from the watering obsession I had

March 2021 I Piece and Perks
March 2021 I Piece and Perks That Piece One the most common questions we get asked about our tables is…… “Does that piece that goes around the machine come with the table?” That “piece” is the custom cut acrylic machine

Jan 2021 I A new top for the table and me
Jan 2021 I A new top for the table and me Happy New Year everyone In the north of New Zealand, where we live, our summer has been very dry and hot. An ideal summer for those enjoying their summer

Dec 2020 I The twelve trees of Christmas
Dec 2020 I The twelve trees of Christmas I have a fascination (Mr Sewezi calls it an addiction) with Christmas tree decorations. Now I don’t mean decorations to go on the tree, but Christmas trees that are decorations. So……. in

Nov 2020 I Taking time smell the roses
Nov 2020 I Taking time smell the roses I am back. Just giving you a heads up, todays blog is some personal chat from me. I have aspergers, or what is now called high functioning autism. The challenge for me

May 2020 I The homemade travel ironing mat.
May 2020 l The homemade travel ironing mat When I have been at shows demonstrating SEWEZI, I have used my homemade travel ironing mats. Lots of quilters and sewers have talked to me about these and asked me how I have

May, 2020 | The Last of Summer……
The Last of Summer……………. These are the makes of last beach sewing stay away in February, what an age ago that seems now. I wish everyone well and strength in these unprecedented times. A little summer dress that I can

February, 2020 | Flat bed sewing
Flat bed sewing The last week in January we had a product photo shoot for SEWEZI. It is always a mammoth task, working on the run sheet and making sure we have covered all the products we need to shoot

December, 2019 | Good Intentions
December, 2019 | Good Intentions GOOD INTENTIONS When I was a little girl my grandmother used to say how the year had flown by, as a child waiting for Christmas to happen each year, I couldn’t understand this, it seemed

October, 2019 | Quilt Symposiums, Connecting and Community
Quilt Symposiums, Connecting and Community Spring has arrived full blast. When I mean full blast the wind has come, this is a really usual thing for us, blowing cool sou westerly’s, from now to mid-December. All the trees in the

15th September, 2019 | Continuation to the mid-winter get away, detailing the makes.
Hello fellow sewists. This is a continuation to the mid-winter get away, detailing the makes. Make One. The Pietra Tapered Leg Pant from Closet Case Patterns. This was my first experience using a pdf downloaded pattern. I close to print

September, 2019 | Mid-Winter Getaway- sew to your hearts content
September, 2019 | Mid-Winter Getaway- sew to your hearts content Prepping Several times a year my friend, Claire and I, travel to a family beach bach (very basic holiday home, furnished with original artefacts from the last 70 years)