SewEzi sewing accessories
There is a range of handy sewing accessories to make your sewing experience even more enjoyable!
Accessory Tray
This handy accessory tray is a great add-on, it is a great place to put scissors, spare bobbins and all those other small items which you need close at hand when sewing.
It hinges on the back hanger rod and when the machine is removed from the table, the tray swings in and latches securely out of the way for transport and storage.

Thread Stand
The SewEzi thread stand is a very robust stand which takes two spools of thread. It clips on to the edge of any SewEzi table or any other table up to 22mm (7/8”) thick. This holds it firmly in place so that it cannot be knocked off or vibrate off the edge while sewing.

Table Brace
When the first SewEzi was designed over 10 years ago, sewing machines were much smaller and lighter than many of the new machines which are being manufactured today. Some of the large machines that fit in the SewEzi Portable are also very heavy, so as a safety measure to increase strength and stability we have developed the table brace which hooks on to the cross bars of the two leg sets. With the brace on, these extra heavy machines can be used with confidence.
The table brace only fits the SewEzi Portable. SewEzi recommends the table brace for sewing machines over 13kgs (29lbs). When purchasing a Portable Table for the Bernina 7 & 8 Series it is a compulsory requirement.
The brace is also useful in high traffic areas like classrooms and shops where there is a higher risk of the table being knocked or bumped.

Portable table legs extension set
These add 22mm (7/8″) to each leg for people who are very tall or have difficulty with the normal operating height.

Grande Mobile
The Grande Mobile is an accessory for your Grande table which makes it easier to move and store. If you plan on moving your Grande a lot or folding it down for storage regularly then the Grande mobile is a must.

Quick Change Set
The SewEzi quick change set is a clever system to cope with the variation in heights between different sewing machines. Each quick change set consist of 16 (4 x 4) 3 mm (1/8 “) plastic shims. These shims click together like Lego blocks to make stacks of different heights depending on the difference in height between your machines. Your SewEzi agent will be able to tell you how many sets you need.
The base shim of each set has a pin sticking out which goes in one of the holes in the platform that the sewing machine sits on. This stops the quick change sets from sliding around. Place one stack under each foot of the sewing machine. You will know if you have the right number of shims when the free arm is level with the insert.
There is a pocket in the SewEzi Portable cover to store the quick change sets.

Sewing Machine Inserts
The SewEzi acrylic sewing machine inserts are especially laser cut to fit any commercial available domestic sewing machine. Our range of inserts includes machines from the 1930s (e.g. Singer Featherweight 221/222) to today’s latest releases across all sewing machine brands.
You can use additional machines in your SewEzi Portable or Grande sewing table by purchasing extra sewing machine inserts for each different sewing machine. Each insert is cut to the shape of the free arm of the sewing machine and places the machine in the correct position for sewing. The 4 digit number on the insert is a SewEzi code and does not directly relate to the model number on your machine.

Locking stay repair kit
The SewEzi Stay Repair Kit contains the replacement parts needed to repair the locking stays on a SewEzi Portable and SewEzi Extension Table. It is designed for repairing older SewEzi Tables where the stays have become loose with wear. The installation of the repair kit requires a power drill, blind riveter (pop riveter), a 4mm Allen key and two 10mm (3/8″) spanners.