Nov 2020 I Taking time smell the roses
I am back. Just giving you a heads up, todays blog is some personal chat from me.
I have aspergers, or what is now called high functioning autism. The challenge for me is being able to shut down my head and rest it effectively. I struggle to stop the speed and flow of thoughts. So, taking time to smell the roses is really important to me. I am very lucky to have a garden with lots of roses.

And that leads me to my to the next thing……. Our daughter has got engaged, and is getting married to her partner at home in our garden in late January. We are thrilled to host their happy day. BUT the dress, now you are probably thinking this is the bride’s dress. No… the dress that has and is still causing the headaches is my dress. LOL . When our daughter got engaged she said I had until November 1st to sort the dress, that date has been and gone and still no dress. I thought I would buy a dress. But that has not worked out, the moment you mention “mother of the bride” it seems to inspire shop assistants to think lace, synthetic and super fitted. A friend, who is an amazing bridal designer (who is making my daughters dress) is going to make something for me. I want the fabric to be cotton or linen, semi-fitted, as it could be as hot 35˚c on the day. I will keep you posted with the results. Below is fabric choice number three.

In August I caught a miscellaneous virus of some description which kicked me for six. Dizziness and tiredness being the main symptoms. Basically, I had not been managing myself very well. I am happy to say I haven’t needed a daytime sleep now for 2 weeks. I have to admit I had been pushing the envelope for some time before becoming sick and I think my body just said no you have stop (I read a very interesting book by Gabor Mate called When the body says no recommended by my very close sewing buddy).

One of the things that I realised (while I was lying around) was I had lost my sew jo. I twigged I was always sewing for something rather that sewing because I wanted to. I find stillness often brings revelations that lead me to better understanding of myself.
Sooo….…I have made a sewing project to share with you all at the beginning of December, something fun, quick and Christmassy. Details will be released shortly.

Remember, take time to smell the roses….

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Some things about me you need to know…..
I am obsessional, therefore I collect, and have collections.
I am passionate, I either love it or hate it there is no in between.
I am a perfectionist when it comes to sewing, and struggle with the just ok finish I achieve sometimes.
I garden. I collect plants too, especially deciduous magnolias.
I need colour and texture to nurture my soul.
I read, research, and study because it excites me.
I am a mum to three twenty somethings, an attendant to three cats, and partner in all things to David of more than 30 years.
ByCreated Sue (20-11-2020 )
Country: NZJust in case you need it Catherine, there is a great shop at Greenwoods Corner called Simply Wonderful. The ladies who work there are very trendy, and all in the 55 + age group. I'm sure they would help you if need by. Good Luck! Take care of yourself!
ByCreated Maureen Stevens (20-11-2020 )
Country: New ZealandLovely reading, yes you need to take time to smell the roses, or just admire them. Good luck with your dress, and I hope you have a great day and the weather treats you kindly.
ByCreated yvonne Roberts (19-11-2020 )
Country: New Zealandcatherine, what I admire you for, is you are so open and honest about who you are and how you manage. Not always esay with many demandson you. Stopping to smell the roses somehow does make you stop and decide what is important and whats not. Take care Yvonne